Tuesday 3 February 2015

Primark's Missionary statement

In their mission statement, Primark say that they have helped a large number of their factory workers and their communities by providing education for them, giving them sufficient wages  and good working conditions. However, recently there has been reports about factory workers sewing signs for help into their clothing which has been sold to the public and customers have found these signs in their products. This shows that this is just an empty promise to get customers to buy their clothing as the public will think that Primark have good ethics which works as unique selling point when really they are carrying on mistreating their workers in poorer countries displaying that Primark are still unethical.
However, Primark are being ethical by caring about the environment they are doing this by making carrier bags only using the used cardboard they have in their stores or factories which stops the use of other materials such as plastic which do not biodegrade leading to the possibility of them harming animals or their habitats or the environment due to them being littered around the environment. Primark have also saved 238,000 trees meaning less of the rainforest is cut down preventing habitats from being destroyed and less species will become extinct. They have also reduced road use by 160,525 miles which has reduced the amount of noise and air pollution primark generate leading to the ozone being less damaged leading to the effect of global warming reducing.
Primark state they have a "code of conduct" to ensure that workers have good working conditions and that they are paid well and treated well. However, there is evidence suggesting that this is not true for example, the factory in Bangladesh collapsing and the discovery of children working in factories with poor working conditions and poor pay which reinforces the fact that Primark are unethical.

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