Wednesday 28 January 2015

Rana Plaza

This article about Rana Plaza outlines how Primark has helped the victims of the factory in which primark operated collapsing in Bangladesh by donating 14 million dollars to the victims so that they have a place to live and sufficient food and water and basic items for survival which enforces the statement that Primark is ethical.
Source: Primark website

Evidence of Primark's good ethics

This is photographic evidence that Primark reuses their all their cardboard collected from their stores and make them into carrier bags which decreases the amount of waste that Primark generate which will reduce their impact on the environment and the ozone giving primark better ethics.

Primark Ethics Video

This is a link for a video regarding how garment workers think of how ethical Primark really is due to their experience of working in a garment factory owned by Primark.

This video shows us that even though primark has launched an ethical website and says that they have good ethics. The statements and opinions from the garment workers show that they are not being treated fairly as they are not being paid a fair amount of money and their working conditions are still shockingly bad. Also the workers are allowed 56 days of leave however, the garment factory workers do not have any time off and work extremely long hours still with no breaks. This enforces the statement that Primark have bad ethics despite their Ethical primark website.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Unit 37 business ethics

Primark is an Irish Clothing retailer which operates internationally in a larger number of countries including the UK and the United States. The franchise was founded in Dublin in June, 1969 by Arthur Ryan.

Primark used to be notoriously known for having bad ethics as they were found out for having children working in factories in third world countries with very bad and unsafe working conditions and very bad wages which the children and their family could not survive on. When this was revealed various pressure groups boycotted Primark for their actions in which a lot of the public got involved and joined in with the boycott of Primark which made Primark suffer and gave them a bad reputation. This was revealed in 2008 and children as young as 11 were working for 60 pence a day.

However, since 2008 Primark has improved their ethics and when a factory of theirs in Bangladesh collapsed which sparked more outrage ,they  paid $14 million in aid and compensation to the victims of the Rana Plaza building collapsing. Also their carrier bags are now made of 100 percent recycled cardboard collected from their stores which shows their ethics have improved by helping save the environment. Since the collapsing of their factory in Bangladesh, Primark have now begun inspecting all their factories to make sure they are at a suitable standard to work in. In 2013, 2,058 Primark factories were inspected by authorities which shows that Primark do care about their employees.